sábado, 22 de diciembre de 2018


This is a very important reminder for something that will definitely happen but you’re not sure when.

-At church in an evangelistic event. Sunday. All the dead people she knows. Friends and family and conocidos de largo tiempo xD (that’s a tip for you in case you forgot. Now remember!)
-He must get on one knee and there must be a ring involved. A real one.
-YOU must make sure she has her nails done: Make sure constantly she has her nails done. So that doesn’t tip her off.
-ALL of it must be a SURPRISE.

That’s all. Don’t forget what I’m talking about. Alejandrina from December 2018 has a terrible memory so I hope you remember this at whatever year you need it.
I trust you Alejandrina del futuro. She trusts you too.

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