sábado, 17 de enero de 2015

I'm a dumb dumb and I did a thing...

-What did I ever do to deserve you?- He asked while they where laying on the bed. Kitchen nightmares was on.
After a few moments in which it seemed like she was just watching the show, she answered.
-Nothing, actually...-then, after a pause that she used to look at him from where she was resting her head on his shoulder, she continued- I did all the work. Added you as a friend on that web site and then left you a message and then waited for days and days until you answered.
He looked back at her and then at the tv, he smiled. After a few more minutes in which at least two cooks had started crying on the show, he began again.
-I did, however, answer the message, traveled to your country, asked you to be my girlfriend and then to marry me...that doesn't count?
She looked at him again and she leaned in for a soft kiss.
-It counts a great deal...thank you.- and she went back to her place at her husband's chest.
-Thank you - he said with his widest smile and after placing a kiss on his wife's head, added- I don't know why do I like to watch these poor souls cry and stress out over food. I love food! it shouldn't be stressfull!
-I know, right? It is weird that we like this...maybe tears make food taste better and they have been lying to us all along: the secret ingredient is not love.
He laughed at the joke and pressed his wife's shoulder a little harder, he though "Gotta love God for giving theese peaceful moments" and then, before the show was even over, they were both soundly asleep naping their way through that saturday afternoon.